Friday, January 2, 2009

15 - William Paterson (NJ)

#15 - William Paterson (NJ)
Birthplace: County Antrim, Ireland
Age at Convention: 41

1) Religion
-- As governor of New Jersey, issued proclamation to observe December 8, 1791 as a day of public thanksgiving and prayer.
-- In that proclamation, stated "Whereas it is, at all times, our duty to approach the throne of Almighty God with gratitude and praise, but more especially in seasons of national peace, plenty, and prosperity"

2) Slavery
-- Pointed out that the Congress under the Articles of Confederation "had been ashamed to use the term 'Slaves' & had substituted a description."
-- Argued that counting slaves for purposes of representation encouraged the slave trade
-- Sparked a four-day debate over slavery and representation when he complained about counting slaves for allocation representation.
-- Noted that slaves were not counted in allocating representation in southern state legislatures, and asked, "Why should they be represented in the Genl. Gov't.[?]"

3) Upbringing
-- Family emigrated to America at age 2
-- Father traveled for worked, apparently selling tinware
-- Father was also propserous as a merchant and manufacturer
-- Attended local private schools & Princeton


Running tabulation:
1) Religiously Active (26) or Primarily Secular (15)
2) Abolitionist (17), Partial Abolitionist (19) or Non-Abolitionist (5)
3) Wealthy (17) or Middle-Class/Poor (24)

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