Friday, January 9, 2009

9 - John Rutledge (SC)

#9 - John Rutledge (SC)
Birthplace: Charleston, SC
Age at Convention: 48

1) Religion
-- Elected on behalf of Christ Church Parish
-- Opposed motion to begin first session of COntintental Congress with prayer, expressing concern in having a chaplain offer a daily invocation on grounds that the religious diversity of the delegates would prevent any one prayer from being all-inclusive. Came to realize fears were displaced.

2) Slavery
-- Slave Holder
-- Rutledge was willing to support a stronger central government as long as slavery remained under the control of each State.

3) Upbringing
-- Born to a large family
-- Received early education from father and an Anglican minister
-- Studied law at London's Middle Temple


Running tabulation:
1) Religiously Active (30) or Primarily Secular (17)
2) Abolitionist (17), Partial Abolitionist (21) or Non-Abolitionist (9)
3) Wealthy (21) or Middle-Class/Poor (26)

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